Assistant Application


I am looking for a studio assistant that is available to start in 2019. I will be interviewing potential candidates at NCECA Minneapolis. I’ll provide studio space, facilities, and opportunities; you must provide your own materials and housing. In exchange for this you must work 8 hours per week. Example studio chores would be reclaiming clay, making glazes, loading and unloading bisques, weekly cleaning of studio, studio yardwork, sanding and shipping work, wood prep, kiln prep, help with spring and holiday sales, photographing pots, updating my webstite, as well as special projects that may arise.  Firing the kiln is somewhat separate from the work exchange hours. During the firing you will be expected to work shifts, do prep and clean up, according to the amount of your own pieces in the kiln (as would be expected of any participant in the firing).

I will provide one large ware shelf, 8’ tall x 7’ long x 2’ deep, and one table, 3’ x 6’, for your personal use. You will be welcome to use equipment such as kilns, saws, and tools, but not materials that will be consumed such as sand paper or dremel tools. You will have to buy your own clay, but you are welcome to use my reclaim. The cost of glaze and other dry materials will be a per lb. cost. I’ll purchase materials in larger quantities, and pass on that savings. You must keep track of this and pay monthly along with your electric kiln firing costs, which is $15 for bisque and $20 for ∆ 6 firings.

 The studio is located about 15 minutes outside of Helena, a thriving ceramics community and home to the Archie Bray Foundation.

If you are interested in applying, please submit the following materials to
·     5-10 images and/or link to your Instagram account
·     2 references
·     A cover letter explaining why you want to be my assistant and what you hope to gain from the experience